You need to register and be verified by us before you’re authorised to place a bid. Secure Sales must complete in fixed timescales of either 28 or 56 days, so make sure you read the terms of sale and download and read the legal pack before placing your bid.
All bids are visible via our Online Bidding Platform, and once verified you’re able to bid anywhere, anytime before the secure sale ends. The very nature of secure sale is a quick and secure sale, therefore there isn’t much time to second guess yourself once bidding commences.
Make sure you familiarise yourself with the properties and any legal documents that are available, so you have all of the information you need to make a clear and informed decision about your prospective purchases.
Starting BidsThis is the advertised price for the property and the opening figure for bids.
Reserve PriceThis is the minimum price that the vendor is willing to sell the lot for in the secure sale. The reserve price is never published or listed, this is a private figure between the vendor and the secure sale facilitator. Both the reserve price and starting bid can be subject to change.